Being acknowledged is way cooler than being cited, so here’s a list of things I am acknowledged in (let me know if I missed something).

I would like to acknowledge Chenglei Si for giving me the idea to do this.


  1. Yanzhe Zhang, Tao Yu, Diyi Yang. 2024. Attacking vision-language computer agents via pop-ups. arXiv:2411.02391.
  2. Naomi Saphra, Sarah Wiegreffe. 2024. Mechanistic? BlackBoxNLP @ EMNLP.
  3. Marius Mosbach, Vagrant Gautam, Tomás Vergara-Browne, Dietrich Klakow, Mor Geva. 2024. From insights to actions: The impact of interpretability and analysis research on NLP. EMNLP.
  4. Jing Huang, Diyi Yang, Christopher Potts. 2024. Demystifying Verbatim Memorization in Large Language Models. EMNLP.
  5. Harshit Joshi, Shicheng Liu, James Chen, Robert Weigle, Monica S. Lam. 2024. Coding reliable LLM-based integrated task and knowledge agents with GenieWorksheets. arXiv:2407.05674.
  6. Zheng Wang. 2024. Representation fine-tuning on vision tasks. CS231N.
  7. Ryan Li, Yanzhe Zhang, Diyi Yang. 2024. Sketch2Code: Evaluating vision-language models for interactive web design prototyping. arXiv:2410.16232.
  8. Nay Myo San. 2024. Improving access to untranscribed speech corpora using AI. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University.
  9. Shabnam Behzad. 2024. Language learning meets Generative AI: Utilizing large language models for metalinguistic explanations. Ph.D. thesis, Georgetown University.
  10. Chenglei Si, Diyi Yang, Tatsunori Hashimoto. 2024. Can LLMs generate novel research ideas? A large-scale human study with 100+ NLP researchers. arXiv:2409.04109.
  11. Ken Ziyu Liu. 2024. Machine unlearning in 2024. Blogpost.
  12. Rohan Pandey. 2024. gzip predicts data-dependent scaling laws. arXiv:2405.16684.
  13. Mayank Jobanputra, Maitrey Mehta, Çağrı Çöltekin. 2024. A Universal Dependencies treebank for Gujarati. In MWE-UD @ LREC-COLING.
  14. Daan van Esch, Sandy Ritchie, Sebastian Ruder, Julia Kreutzer, Clara Rivera, Ishank Saxena, Isaac Caswell. 2024. Connecting language technologies with rich, diverse data sources covering thousands of languages. In LREC-COLING.
  15. Liang Lu, Jingzhi Wang, David R. Mortensen. 2024. Improved neural protoform reconstruction via reflex prediction. In LREC–COLING.
  16. Chenglei Si, Yanzhe Zhang, Zhengyuan Yang, Ruibo Liu, Diyi Yang. 2024. Design2Code: How far are we from automating front-end engineering?. arXiv:2403.03163.
  17. Jirayu Burapacheep, Ishan Gaur, Agam Bhatia, Tristan Thrush. 2024. ColorSwap: A color and word order dataset for multimodal evaluation. ACL (Findings).
  18. Tristan Thrush, Jared Moore, Miguel Monares, Christopher Potts, Douwe Kiela. 2024. I am a Strange Dataset: Metalinguistic tests for language models. ACL.


  1. Shira Wein. 2023. Human raters cannot distinguish English translations from original English texts. In EMNLP.
  2. Maitrey Mehta, Vivek Srikumar. 2023. Verifying annotation agreement without multiple experts: A case study with Gujarati SNACS. In ACL.
  3. Rohan Pandey. 2023. Semantic composition in visually grounded language models. Bachelor’s thesis, Carnegie Mellon University.
  4. Rohan Pandey. 2023. Syntax-guided neural module distillation to probe compositionality in sentence embeddings. In EACL.


  1. Yang Janet Liu, Jena D. Hwang, Nathan Schneider, Vivek Srikumar. 2022. Putting context in SNACS: A 5-Way classification of adpositional pragmatic markers. In LAW
  2. Ola Wikander. 2022. The Borrowings Kṣuta-/kṣut- (“Inimical”) and Vidumāla- (“Retrograde”) in Sanskrit Astrological Texts and the Representation of Semitic ʿayn in Similar Loans. In History of Science in South Asia, 10:1–283.


  1. Nathan Schneider, Amir Zeldes. 2021. Mischievous nominal constructions in Universal Dependencies. In UDW, SyntaxFest.
  2. Hilaria Cruz. 2021. Las tecnologías de Reconocimiento Automático de Voz y su incorporación a los métodos de transcripción de lenguas indígenas. In Anales de antropología 55(2).
  3. Lucas F.E. Ashby, …, Winnie Yan. 2021. Results of the Second SIGMORPHON Shared Task on Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion. In SIGMORPHON.
  4. Jakob Prange, Nathan Schneider. 2021. Draw mir a Sheep: A supersense-based analysis of German case and adposition semantics. In Künstliche Intelligenz 35:291–306.
  5. Samopriya Basu. 2021. Inverse problems for a class of stochastic ordinary differential equations in a generalized fiducial framework. Ph.D. thesis, UNC, Chapel Hill.


  1. Amit Arora. 2014. Sustainability strategies in supply chain management. Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Southern University.